NEWS 2024-2025

       [ bonté divine
       [ Connais-Moi Toi-Même
       [ L.U.MEN
       [ La danse, une histoire à ma façon
       [ MasKarade
       [ Transports Exceptionnels
       [ Travelling
       [ Ze bal !

       [ Beau Geste - Acte II : 1991-2001
       [ Beau Geste 40 ans Acte III LE FILM
       [ Cartes sur table
       [ Chansons dansées
       [ Cinégeste
       [ Les 40 ans de Beau Geste
       [ Macbeth
       [ Norma
       [ Projet photographique
       [ SACRÉ SACRE
       [ Traffffic
       [ Transe Effect

Exceptional Transports

Is it a child’s fantasy? Is it the idea of finding yourself, after all these years, with your childhood toy crane?

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By its sheer size, the machine creates tension with the dancer’s body. It’s also an unexpected encounter, a double act between iron and flesh. I use the arm of the mechanical digger for its functionality and dynamic, but also like a human arm which takes, pushes away, or gently coaxes! The machine’s rotation is a broad movement, spectacular, but it can also be reminiscent of a merry-go-round.
The digging device, whose function is to scrape, drill, transport and tip out, offers a poetic extension: a hand which carries, elevates, and protects. If I sometimes imagine the machine like a rough and imperfect human being – in the image of Boris KARLOFF in Frankenstein – I equally attempt to touch on the marvellous, the giddy dream of Beauty and the Beast. A machine which, in its power, elegance and beauty, can just as easily evoke the tasks of Hercules, as the industrial world painted by Fernand LÉGER.
The mechanical digger and the dancer? An operatic beginning; a quasi-universal, lyrical and dreamlike song which could make us think of the amorous ode from a Romeo for his Juliette.

Dominique BOIVIN

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Transports exceptionnels it’s : ...900 performances since his creation in 2005 more than 160 towns in France ; ...but also abroad :
Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santos, Brasilia, Uberlandia, Uberaba and Fito in Brazil, Sarrebruck, Bad Honningen, Kaiserslautern, Mayence, Pirmasens, Radebeul in Germany, Monaco,
Esch-sur-Alzette in Luxemburg, Oslo and Kikernes in Norway
Prague in the Czech Republic, Kiev in Ukraine
Kalamata and Volos in Greece,
Gwacheon, Pohang and Suwon in South Korea, Mingalabar in Birmany, Macao in China, Bangkok in Thailand, Delhi, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennaï, Hyderabad, New delhi, Pune in India, Sydney in Australia
Sibiu and Timisoara in Romania, Voronezh, Moscow, Samara in Russia, Istambul in Turkey,
London, Oxford, Sheffield, Derby in the UK,
Dublin in Ireland, Chur and Geneva in Switzerland
Johannesburg and Cape Town in South Africa, Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso
Brussels, Chassepierre, Hasselt, Anvers, Gand, Gent and Waregem in Belgium,
Madrid, La Corogne, Bilbao, Barcelona, Valladolid, Benicarlo, and Sueca in Spain, Lisbon, Ovar and Torres Vedras in Portugal,
Veneria Reale, Turin, Terni, Crema, Colorno and Pesaro in Italy,
Montréal in Canada,
New York, Atlanta, Savannah in the USA...



Dominique BOIVIN

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Assisted by

Christine ERBÉ

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Philippe PRIASSO
Aurélien Le Glaunec

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Guillaume OLMETA

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Technical and artistic assistant

Gisèle GREAU